Cost-effective Tachikara WB2000 “Competition” Wallyball

30 Jun

This ball is awesome. It is the most durable, has a good texture, and the texture on the ball last longer than any other. The multi color may scare you away at first (it is what kept me from trying it for so long). But once you try it you will love it. It makes it easy to see the ball, as well as easy to see the degree of rotation on the ball. It does not get a lump in it as often as others when a frustrated teammate kicks it HARD with a toe. As a note lumps develop in rubber balls from internal bruises, these usually don’t cause a lump for 24 hours. The only con is it is usually $19.99. Whereas other balls are usually 16.99 on sale. Trust me it will at the least last long enough to save you the cost of two of the other balls.
I have played regularly with several different kinds of wallyballs. This is the best one I have come across. Although I ordered it with not so high an expectation, it beats everything I have used before.I play with people of many different skill levels and not one has had anything bad to say about this ball.
I purchased one of these balls last year for our team instead of the blue balls we had been using. It had more action off the walls and lasted the whole season. I purchased this one for the next fall winter season. Purchased thru Amazon

The Tachikara(r) WB2000 Official AUWP Wallyball was designed in conjunction with the specifications provided by some of the world’s finest Wallyball players. Its yarn-wound construction features a Super-Soft(tm) rubber cover and a butyl bladder.This ball is awesome. It is the most durable, has a good texture, and the texture on the ball last longer than any other. The multi color may scare you away at first (it is what kept me from trying it for so long). But once you try it you will love it. It makes it easy to see the ball, as well as easy to see the degree of rotation on the ball. It does not get a lump in it as often as others when a frustrated teammate kicks it HARD with a toe. As a note lumps develop in rubber balls from internal bruises, these usually don’t cause a lump for 24 hours. The only con is it is usually $19.99. Buy Cheap Toshiba Satellite L730 Backpack Bag + An Ekatomi Hook. . Whereas other balls are usually 16.99 on sale. Trust me it will at the least last long enough to save you the cost of two of the other balls.
I have played regularly with several different kinds of wallyballs. This is the best one I have come across. Although I ordered it with not so high an expectation, it beats everything I have used before.I play with people of many different skill levels and not one has had anything bad to say about this ball.
I purchased one of these balls last year for our team instead of the blue balls we had been using. It had more action off the walls and lasted the whole season. I purchased this one for the next fall winter season. Purchased thru Amazon

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